10 Tips to Get Loyal Followers on Social Media in 2021

The success of our work on social media is determined by the number of followers and interactions we have. To achieve good results, we must ensure that the posts are loaded with quality content.
When it comes to social networks, we may think that it is enough to have a high number of followers, but it is about the type of content that we share through those media to determine if the strategies are effective enough.
One of the factors that measure the reputation of brands is the number of followers they have on their social media accounts. This can give each business a bit more credibility, but not in all cases it offers a positive reputation.
The most influential accounts on social media generally get to this point by giving users the channels to express themselves. That is, the more opportunities they have to contact company representatives, the closer the connection becomes, giving you the possibility of increasing your income.
Imagine an account that has almost half a million followers, but the number of interactions from it is very low, which tells us that it is not generating trust. The public usually verifies that the information handled in social networks is up to date, otherwise, it is unlikely that users are interested in following such an account.
Marketers must make sure they create quality content to be shared on social networks, and in this way they can also attract quality followers. The target audience must be analyzed and the strategies to reach it must be defined.
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How do we identify quality followers?
The first thing we think of when we talk about quality are cumbersome standards and processes. When referring to quality in social networks, the procedure can be easier if a series of important steps are followed.
In order to maintain a significant number of followers, the level of their participation must be known, measuring the site’s social traffic. It should also be clear about the number of direct or indirect interactions that take place through the different social networks.
How can we get loyal followers on our social networks?
We must take into account the interests of each of them to contrast them with the content we offer, that is, if the material we share is not attractive to users, they will not feel identified.
The first thing we must do is define our target audience and know how to behave in each social network that we use, since each one moves at a different pace.
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What are the advantages of having quality followers?
The larger your community of followers, the greater the number of interactions you receive. Thus, users will be generating dynamism in our profiles through their comments, the content they share or the reactions they have on each publication.
Followers will show interest in content that is posted on social media because users will share the content among their friends.
Your number of quality followers will greatly influence the number of sales you register. This is because the level of affinity will be much higher and for this reason the products or services you offer will fit effectively.
Take into account these 10 steps that will help you have a loyal and active following:
1. Do a competition study
One of the practices that we should never overlook is to study and analyze in detail everything that our competition does. We must know what they are offering to users or, on the contrary, what we are offering and they are not.
On social media it is easy to determine when a brand is influential. We can tell if we check the number of followers they have and the amount of interactions they receive. If an account has millions of followers, but only a few remain active, we can say that it is an unsuccessful profile.
We must focus on capturing users whose profiles are well defined with photography, biography and active publications. In addition, the content they share must be similar to ours to attract interest.
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2. Share valuable content
If you want to differentiate yourself from the competition, the content you share must be of value to generate impact among Internet users. It’s important to remember that every detail counts, from the spelling to the way you respond to users.
The public of social networks follow us to be informed of what we do and also to express any doubts or concerns. This is why the content we publish must be interesting with information about what we really know.
To keep our users satisfied and at the same time attract new audiences, we must provide innovative solutions that they cannot find in other profiles. This way you can earn money with content marketing.
3. Interact with your followers
When your followers have a comment, you must offer them the necessary communication channels.
You can generate interesting debates that allow you to know their opinions. Likewise, if you launch promotions and contests, your followers will be more aware of what you publish. It also conducts surveys that allow you to measure your audience on the networks. Remember: how important it is to dialogue and respond to problems in an assertive way.
4. Identify your ideal audience
You must know who to follow and who not. Given that the process to obtain quality followers on social networks is not one-way, it is necessary to establish firm criteria that are consistent with the marketing strategies that we define.
Following a user for no reason does not offer you any benefits. On the contrary, you will be accumulating an audience with whom you will not have interactions, affecting the image of your account.
It is not simply about following many people or having many people following you. The true objective of social networks is to be able to have a direct relationship with users and offer them a quality service.
5. Find influential users
In each sector in which we operate, there will always be users who have a greater reach within social networks. The more active we manage to stay sharing quality content with our followers, the more influence we will have on our audience.
The same happens if we achieve some kind of alliance with the most influential users so that they can project us in some way among their audience. Do not prepare such dense materials because it can be confusing for the followers; your content must be precise and eye-catching.
6. Make sure you keep your followers satisfied
No matter what social network it is, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or any other, we must identify who our followers are and determine if they remain active by publishing content related to our strategies, or if on the contrary, it is not worth following them.
There are tools such as Commun.it, Crowedfire or Audience (previously known as Socialbro) which allow you to filter and analyze followers through statistics prepared based on the frequency of interactions.
7. Varied and interesting content
The content must be presented in a creative way trying to break the monotony. If users always see the same posts with the same images, they will end up getting bored and most likely they will unfollow you.
Always try to have a fresh and renewed image, which will allow you to position yourself and survive in the world of social networks.
8. Use Social Ads
The advertising tools that are available on the web allow you to promote your brand through the different social networks. The publications have to be directed to a target. Analyze the interests of each sector in order to generate an impact.
To mention a few, we have Twitter Analytics, Facebook Insights or Adwords, which provide key information about our followers, such as: age, gender, occupation, location, among others.
9. Know your followers
The best way to satisfy your audience is by knowing their interests. Social networks provide us with relevant data that allow us to measure the level of interaction with our users.
10. Join like-minded communities
Remember that each social network works uniquely and individually. Depending on the interests of the users, they will be part of specific communities. For example, if it is the professional sector, through LinkedIn they can connect with other Internet users with similar interests.
Social media has changed the way people communicate. The close connection that the representatives of the companies can have with the consumers of their brand determines the success that they can have in the market.
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